Monday 28 September 2015

Advertising - Definition post

Dictionary definition: The activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services.

Describing words:


In this photograph, a surreal approach has been adapted to the piece.  I like the photo manipulation technique here because it has a fresh and photogenic appearance. The orange having the top of a can attached to it conveys that the contents of the drink is pure orange juice, or the drink has been completely made out of oranges with perhaps a slight add of sugar. The beginning of the drink is being poured out into a glass, advertising the actual contents - which is clear orange liquid that immediately looks mouthwatering for the viewer. I like the contrast of the bright orange colour against the whole whit backdrop. This allows for the orange to be the focal point to the viewer. This picture is inspirational to me because in my previous project I explored photo manipulation techniques, which actually involved fruits. Looking at this style of photography this year encourages me to explore and develop the topic further. This picture would be advertising a fresh beverage to be consumed during the Summer perhaps, even though it could totally be drunk throughout any season. However, it could be suggested that the connotation of orange represents warmth and summer in general, which makes it a perfect drink for the hot weather; and I want to focus my images around bright, colourful and interesting images - which would include a lot of treats that could be associated with Summer.
This photograph is advertising sweet treats from a certain company known as Sofi French Company.  Two images have been put together in the same piece, both in different frames. I like this technique because it allows for more than one thing to perhaps be advertised in one image if a company was limited to just one space in a town to advertise; they may want to advertise more than one of their products. This technique is interesting, and encourages me to perhaps create pieces like this also. The picture on the left of the macaroons has been composed well, with a variety of different coloured treats all situated in a landscape style in the frame. They are sat on top of each other in a peaceful way; the frame isn't overcrowded. They look extremely yummy with the clear defined outer coating and creamy filling; which has been over exaggerated with the use of perhaps high key lighting. Then the picture on the right involves more bakery types of food, varying from bread and pastries and fruits. This image has been composed from the back to the front, the bread being in front along with the grapes. The green packaging of Sofi's bags matches effortlessly with the green apple and subtle brown tones in this image. I like this portrait picture because it's advertising a whole set of breakfast foods instead of a jumbled up group of one thing. The overall left and right image as a whole is a successful photograph and something that holds much potential for inspiration in  my project.
In this photograph, it has a different approach in comparison to the above food and drink style images. I have looked at this image because it is evident that a holiday home/villa is being advertised in this piece. A woman is looking out across an infinity pool towards the sea, with which the colours of the pool water and the sea water blend together as if there isn't anything in-between them. The picture has been composed beautifully so that part of a tree is situated in the left side of the frame, corresponding with part of the actual holiday home in the right side of the frame. The space in the frame has been put to good use which results in this image being a successful piece of photograph. The sunny glow on the woman's body is also an attractive element in this picture, because it compliments the nearly cloudless sky - illustrating how this holiday home is located on a a warm sunny beachfront. I have captured many holiday and travel style photography for this project which I will continue with as I explore more areas. I enjoy being able to capture an attractive landscape/location which looks bright and beautiful enough to perhaps be included in a holiday brochure. I don't want to just be advertising food and drinks in this project, even if it will be a large portion of my work - I want to have the freedom to capture many different images in order to advertise many different things.
Make up is also a topic I think I would enjoy photographing in this project also. I like the different things you could do with make up e.g. decorate someones face, eyes, lips etc. and also shrink people in the frame to be the size of a mascara wand perhaps; have them leaning on a standing mascara wand. These are all interesting and creative ideas I could explore through looking at this sub-topic in my project. I like the appearance of this photograph above because it almost looks as though there's a slight fish eye approach around the blushed brush. It is larger in the frame and dominates the rest of the beauty products surrounding it. Texture is evident in this piece through the bristles with pink at the end of them, and is again apparent in the mascara wand at the bottom right hand side of the frame. This formal element would be extremely effective in make up photography because many different make up applying products have a lot of texture. I like the theme of pinks and oranges mixed with the black, grey and white colours in this picture because the pop of colour is effective as it differs the bare brushes and wands to the powdered brushes. This pop of colour could have the connotation of make up being something that brings life to things and creates a bolder and brighter appearance to what it is applied to.
Real example: (magazine pages)
My definition: Advertising is the technique used to attract a customers attention towards a certain product through a variety of mediums such as TV, magazines, radio stations and social media.

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